Wednesday 13 November 2013

Film opening functions

The main functions of a film opening are to:
Introduce characters
Foreshadow future events
To set the genre of a film
Set the location/time of the film
Credits to actors/producers/major film roles
In Juno, the film is a slow paced, low budget, indie comedy. This is presented in the film opening as not a lot of action happens but seems like a fun, relaxed film. The bright colours show it may be to do with teenagers or a younger generation aimed at the young teenage audience. This ties in with themes in the film. The scenery looks drawn and artistic which also represents youth, which also oreshadows themes in the film later on. The credits introduce the main character and give us an idea of the kind of person she is as well as the kind of film it will be. It shows a modern time era and the place of a typical american looking setting. The credits are spread out so the reader is able to read them easily and is sometimes done in quite creative ways such as putting the credits as if they were on objects in the scenery around juno.

The music tells the audience that it is a happy, 'feel-good' film with an upbeat pace. The music as well as the character look carefree and happy: the music represents the type of person Juno is. The opening as a whole introduces the character and genre of the film well: the theme of a teenage film is shown through the way the setting looks drawn by a young person but also has realistic people and objects in it. It is clear from this title opening that it is an indie, low0budget film. It is not shown by a large scale film production like 21st century fox. 

This title opening sequence fulfils the criteria of an effective film opening because it introduces the character, genre and sets the themes and locations.
It does not necessarily foreshadow future events well as you'd only really be aware of the youthful theme in the credits if you had an idea of what will happen later. It does however read the credits to the actors and film crew well in a clear and well presented way.

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