Sunday 20 April 2014

Evaluation Question 5

My Ideal audience is 16-24. At this age, the majority of people are involved in social networking sites.

To attract my audience to the film, I set up social networking sites like facebook for my film so that I can interact with people from my target audience, get feedback and promote the film.

On youtube, I used my film opening clip to tag thrillers and action films, so that when people watch other thrillers, mine will come up as a suggestion. This is a great way of getting people who already are interested in the genre to see mine cheaply and effectively.

My film opening is like others of this genre as it is action-packed, develops quickly and intrigues the audience to see the film to find out more.

From feedback I got from social media sites, people of the target audience said they wanted to see a film with the classic thriller genre but with a twist in the tale. I used all the key elements of a thriller to ensure I captures the original, edge-of-seat thriller essence they wanted, however challenged generic thrillers by use of characters and plot.
Music is usually quite tense and create suspense just from watching the opening: it should give the audience a chill down their spine when the music suddenly goes off key. That is how you know when the audience are truly engaged!

I addressed my audience by researching other thrillers and suggesting who their target audience is. Use of violence,drugs, language, explicit etc all make obvious standards to age viewings. Mine isn't too horrific: however, sometimes films can just be declared a higher age certificate because of a few 'jumps' and scares. Due to the nature of the way my film would go, 16 seems appropriate without loosing too much money from audience narrowing. The main age range to go to the cinema is a young adult in that age range anyway, so it is about the best way to ensure a good target audience age will suit the film.
 I found many other Thrillers had around this age range. As I inspired my film opening on other thriller conventions, it would be suitable to base my age range the same.

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